Thursday 3 February 2011

All the King's Fools -Rehearsals and our visit to Hampton Court on Saturday

 Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Saturday was very cold but an exciting and enjoyable day. There were some very funny bits like when Gregory Tibbets was playing around, but I didn't like having to get up so early on a weekend and get home so late too, but I enjoyed it anyway. Paul Prangly took a spooky photo at the palace of a blue head with it's mouth open in Henry VIII’s painting - let's hope it was a hoax and not a real ghost!!!
Today is the third day of rehearsals and I am very tired but they are going well. We will be doing some hilarious things to make everybody laugh.  Next week I will be working on my solo bit. - Maude Winkler-Reid (Actor)
Five actors from the Misfits have been collaborating with Peet Cooper of Foolscap Productions on a production commissioned by Hampton Court Palace .
The performance - commissioned by Hampton Court and funded by the Arts Council - will show how jesters with learning difficulties performed for Henry VIII five hundred years ago and  became very famous, influencing playwrights such as Shakespeare as he wrote fools into his plays.

Performances are from 24th to 27th February at 11 am and 2pm. For tickets and further booking details visit or call 0844 482 7777.

The performances are dedicated by the actors to the memory of Robert Taylor who died while involved in the research stage of the project.